Wednesday, May 25, 2005



GRIDSKIPPER FANS - i know they linked to this blog, i dont really blog at all i just post pictures up at . you can see my pictures from all over thailand, india, burma, etc. email me if you like them at or contact me at myspace

I headed down to the Full Moon Party at Haad Rin beach on Koh Phangan in the Gulf of Thailand. The party is guessed it, every full moon. It has been going on for a very long time, originally with a very small number of travelers dancing the night away to psychedelic trance and fucked up on any and every drug available to them. The music is still there, the drugs are still there (along with a team of about 500 of thailands best bribe taking police officers), but the crowd has now grown to about 8000 people. I was down here for New Years 05 but it was a different vibe being that new years was about 5 days after the tsunami. Anyway the first pictures are pre-full moon party. The crowd picks up about 5 days before the party with people trying to get rooms. The partying on the island gets better every night leading up to it.

You have to fly to an island called Koh Samui to get to the airport-less Koh Phangan....then you take a ferry
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Night 1: Fire limbo...too bad nobody caught on fire because that would have been a great shot

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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #1

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This is about 6am of the first night/next day
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You see this all over at all times...literally...people just cant hold their alcohol....and they just pass out on the beach....which sucks for them but happens to be really funny for the people who arent passed out...these people get messed with all the time...sand kicked on them, drinks poured on them....their parents would def be proud...this kid is pulling an Al Bundy...where is the Polk High shirt

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That is me on my balcony checking out the sun set....and the hot group of girls walking into the other bungalo

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Night 2: pictures from the bathroom wall.
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Partying inside Cactus, if you saw my new years pictures you will remember this place

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Drinks here, do not, for the most part, come in a cup, bottle or a can. In Koh Phangan drinks come in the bucket form. Which is basically a crazy amount of rum/vodka/anything you want added with a few red bulls or cokes and a large number of straws (people here like to share their buckets)

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Ah yes another drunk person passed out, this one in a chair and with her head between her legs.

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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #2

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Bro, WAKE THE FUCK UP...its only like need to wait until at least the sun comes up to pass out here.
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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #3

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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #4

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Its now about 6am of the second night/3rd day...
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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #5

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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #6

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ok i didnt make it out the 3rd day at all. no beach for me i was passed out in my room all day watching the original star wars on my dvd player getting rest for the Full Moon Party. I walked down to the beach around 6pm..people were relaxing, the full moon was already out as you can see.

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All types of crazy neon shit got put up all over the beach. It looked amazing. (look for the moon)

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They say that all types of crazy stuff happens when a full moon is out...

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The buckets are flowing....the body paint people are out and making a killing.

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OK, that last picture was at like pictures were taken in between that time and this picture which is at like 6am....since there were no pictures there are no memories except very very very cloudy ones....i know i drank enough buckets to make a giant sand castle with....i know i danced a lot...but thats about memory of the night is one of neon colors...pounding trance music...incredible girls from around the world...and sand in my underwear...but one thing i know for sure...i didnt pass out on the beach...and for that i pat myself on the back...

Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #6

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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #7

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Its about 7ish...i am hanging out at the mountain chillout bar...there def isnt 8000 people left at the party but the soldiers are still awake...and the circus is still going on

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Every single person in this picture has been out since 11pm, is fucked up out of their minds, smells like shit from all the dancing...and is having one of the greatest times of their lives

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Props to this guy. He looks like hes in his 60s, chances are he's in his 30s...thats what you look like if you goto the full moon party one too many times

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Boats in Water with Amazing Sky #8

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I love this place...its like 8 something right now...the crowd is actually growing because some people who went home to change or get some food are coming back.

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This was right in the middle of everything...looks intense...too bad this girl was basically dead...the only time she moved was when he moved her...

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yea shes def not awake, maybe not alive

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this guy must be a major romantic...she seemed really into him..or not
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notice the hole in one of their masks for easy access to bucket straws and cigs
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OK...what this guy doesnt realize and that the person hes with is also a guy....thats a big thing in thailand, they call them ladyboys...and he is def in for a big suprise later

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How i feel right now....its not just the 5 or so buckets...but the 12 red bulls i had along with chance im going to sleep any time soon

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Like 9am...damn what a great attitude these people have.

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Jaron shakes the hand of the smartest person on the whole island.

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Whatever happened to treating the customer with respect.

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Its been amazing, i have no voice at all now, i have some ferrys and flights im not looking forward to at all....then back to work...then CHINA on June coming soon


Blogger Joe said...

We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day
Just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let's start giving

7:56 AM  
Blogger Fazli Taufek said...

The best place in the world. Been there twice and for sure again sometime.

1:59 PM  

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